Either you try stable CRAN version
Or unstable development version
You’ll need to use library
to load as follows:
is an R package for converting data frame into
format (https://json-stat.org/), which is a simple lightweight
‘JSON’ format for data dissemination.
A minimal example would be like:
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
x <- read.csv2("galicia.csv", sep = ",")
.plan <- compress_plan("place.of.birth", "geo", "Place of Birth") %>%
dimension("age.group", "classification", "Age Group") %>%
dimension("gender", "classification", "Gender") %>%
dimension("year", "time", "Year") %>%
dimension("province.of.residence", "geo", "Province of Residence") %>%
dimension("concept", "metric", "Concept") %>%
dimension("value", "value", "value")
.extension <- list(id = 3,
name = "asdfdsfsd",
lol = TRUE,
arr = 1:5,
training = list(name = "training",
from = "xxxx",
to = "yyyy"),
testing = list(name = "testing",
from = "xxxx",
to = "yyyy"))
.dataset <- as.dataset(x, .plan,
label = paste("Population by province of residence,",
"place of birth, age, gender and year",
"in Galicia"),
href = "https://github.com/zedoul/jsonstat",
extension = .extension)
.collection <- as.collection(.dataset, label = "Comparison",
href = "https://github.com/zedoul/jsonstat")
.jsonstat <- toJSON(.collection)
You can also check its output via official website.